Best tours selected by officials and professionals, satisfaction guaranteed.
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- 日本來台組Japan Visitors
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Japan Visitors
雄獅旅行社Lion Travel日本INBOUND來台賞鳥生態之旅Taiwan Bird Watching Tour
1. 從平地到2600m的森林,5天盡享賞鳥、 體驗台灣文化與美食。 2. 台灣擁有 674 種鳥類、超過 4,200 種植物,由專業導遊帶領進入生態旅遊的寶庫。 3. 每年4月從東南亞飛來的八色鳥,小巧敏捷,很難捕捉入鏡,因為繁殖期來到台灣,跟著專業導遊就有機會找到蹤跡。 1. From the flatlands to the 2,600m forests, enjoy 5 days of bird-watching with Taiwanese culture and cuisine. 2. Taiwan is home to 674 species of birds and over 4,200 species of plants. Our professional tour guides will lead you into the treasure trove of eco-tourism. 3. Meet the fairy pitta, which originates from Southeast Asia and will be visiting Taiwan in April. Our professional guides will assist you in capturing this agile little creature through your camera lens. 日本INBOUND來台賞鳥生態之旅Taiwan Bird Watching Tour台灣 Taiwan
Korea Visitors
璽珍旅行社His Chen Travel Service慕名而來-台灣八天七夜文化探訪8d7n Taiwan Cultural Tour以環島及體驗方式,讓韓國旅客深入了解台灣多元豐富的文化,包含宗教文化、人文多元族群文化(阿勒飛斯舞蹈團)、歷史文化(故宮博物院、打狗領事館)、生態文化(野柳、九份、太魯閣)、泡湯、美食(夜市、米其林餐飲)等等,讓國外旅客認識多樣的台灣。By touring around the island, we offer Korean travelers the opportunity to experience the rich culture of Taiwan. Our tour list includes ethnic art (Alefis dancing), history (National Palace Museum, British Consulate at Takow), ecology (Yehliu Geopark, Jiufen, Taroko National Park), hot springs, and cuisines (night markets, Michelin-rated meals), showing foreign travelers the diversity of Taiwan.慕名而來-台灣八天七夜文化探訪8d7n Taiwan Cultural Tour台灣 Taiwan
Hong Kong & Macao Visitors
麗緻國際旅行社The LI King Tour億載100|雲畫的日月之光|必比登四日遊4d in Nantou, Tainan, Kaohsiung (Eternal Golden Castle, bike tour at Sun Moon Lake, Yancheng shopping district, sailboat tour at Asia NewBay)台灣自然生態多元、人文底蘊豐厚,兼顧時尚與傳承是港澳人士近距離旅行的最愛。
本旅遊主題以傳達台灣在地多元文化特色、自然生態觀察與推動綠色觀光為主軸,帶領境外旅人深度探訪日月潭、400 年府城(億載 100)和高雄新灣區,感受台灣中南部的熱情與魅力,綠色觀光日月潭x歷史古都台南x新時尚港都高雄,創造共感旅遊體驗。Diverse natural ecology and rich cultural heritage make Taiwan a favorite destination for travelers from Hong Kong and Macau.
This journey conveys Taiwan's local multicultural characteristics and promotes sustainable tourism. By guiding through the beautiful Sun Moon Lake, Taiwanfou the town with 400 years of history, and the Asia New Bay Area which is full of the charms of central-south Taiwan, we provide overseas travelers a passionate travel experience.億載100|雲畫的日月之光|必比登四日遊4d in Nantou, Tainan, Kaohsiung (Eternal Golden Castle, bike tour at Sun Moon Lake, Yancheng shopping district, sailboat tour at Asia NewBay)南投 Nantou台南 Tainan高雄 Kaohsiung
淘寶國際旅行社TOP INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE CO.,LTD日月明珠‧客家山水‧台灣最美風景五日遊5d of Taiwan's best sceneries (Sun Moon Lake, Hakka Culture).安排港澳市場最受歡迎的~~台灣遊程最豐富的南投縣、人文薈萃的台中市、來台必遊的首都台北市,結合日月潭魅力商圈湖光山色、客家元素、原住民部落、鐵道文化、老街風情、文創活化、歷史古蹟、自然風景、低碳單車體驗、遊樂園、觀光工廠、地方特產。
亮點在港澳人士最著重的美食環節,安排在地不同特色料理,也保留自費品嚐各自喜愛美食的自由時間For travelers from Hong Kong and Macau, we have selected the most popular tourist locations in Taiwan: Nantou, the most visited; Taichung, the central hub of history; and Taipei, a must-visit. Combining Sun Moon Lake, shopping districts, Hakka culture parks, indigenous tribes, railways, old streets, creative industries, natural scenery, bike tours, theme parks, tourist factories, and local specialties, we highlight the favorite part for Hong Kong and Macau travelers – local cuisines.淘寶國際旅行社 TOP INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE CO.,LTD日月明珠‧客家山水‧台灣最美風景五日遊5d of Taiwan's best sceneries (Sun Moon Lake, Hakka Culture).台北 Taipei台中 Taichung南投 Nantou
Singapore Visitors
創新旅行社Chung Hsing Travel Service日月相映x阿里山神木日出x月潭湖畔之旅 5日【Welcome, New Friends!】5d in Chiayi and Nantoa (Sacred Trees of Alishan National Scenic Area, Sun Moon Lake )遊程中我們還加入了許多台灣的新元素,寓意著與時俱進的概念。透過此方式,讓新加坡的貴賓了解台灣這塊寶島其獨特的地理環境與文化脈絡。
除此更安排原民料理、客家料理、入選米其林必比登推薦餐廳,品嘗不同風格菜系,將台灣之美推廣給新加坡旅客們。In this tour, we have incorporated many traditional and new elements of Taiwan, including a bike tour, a seasonal Sun Moon Lake tour, visits to the Tsou Tribe of Ali Mountain, and a journey through the Shimi Tunnel of Yuanshan Hill, allowing Singaporean travelers to learn about the unique geography and culture of the island. Additionally, the tour includes indigenous meals, Hakka dishes, and Michelin-recommended restaurants, presenting travelers with the diverse cuisine of Taiwan.日月相映x阿里山神木日出x月潭湖畔之旅 5日【Welcome, New Friends!】5d in Chiayi and Nantoa (Sacred Trees of Alishan National Scenic Area, Sun Moon Lake )南投 Nantou嘉義 Chiayi -
佳安旅行社Taiwan Tour改變的力量:探索新臺灣 發現新故事Explore Taiwan, Finding New Mine台灣是個兼容並蓄、新舊相容的地方,新加坡與台灣有著似同似異的文化背景,也因此在生活與文化上能夠產生共感,然而讓台灣從本來的蠻荒之地,變成輝煌的錢淹腳目的因產茶而聞名國際,究竟是發生了哪些改變?
本次的行程邀請新加坡貴賓從各種面向體驗台灣的生活,看見百年前百年後的台灣,了解深度卻不生澀的旅遊台灣,三天行程,將會感受到三種不一樣的台灣新舊交融風華,並在三天行程內帶出三種不一樣茶品所代表的台灣精神:款待、自在、創意。To which Singapore similarly shares, Taiwan is an eclectic island where the old and the new harmoniously coexist. Ever wondered what changes Taiwan has undergone, transforming from an undeveloped land into an internationally famous origin of tea?
This tour invites Singaporean travelers to experience life in Taiwan from various perspectives. A 3-day tour with 3 styles of splendor, blending the old and the new from the past 100 years: hospitality, ease, and creativity.改變的力量:探索新臺灣 發現新故事Explore Taiwan, Finding New Mine台灣 Taiwan
東南旅行社SETtour靜謐合歡溪、絕美梨山、入住福壽山農場、武陵賓館三日3d of Hehuan Creek, Lishan Mountain, Fushoushan Farm and Wuling Hotel特別安排健行行程在國內海外都深受各年齡群喜愛,以4小時深入步行五星級林道-合歡溪,近距離觀察台灣國寶魚櫻花鉤吻鮭。
全程無自理餐,安排宮殿式建築-梨山賓館享用午餐,品嘗武陵農場及福壽山農場精心製作山產佳餚,一飽台灣山珍口福。This tour includes hiking activities that are popular among all age groups at home and abroad. Specifically arranged for 4 hours on the trails of Hehuan Creek, providing a close-up observation of the national treasure, Formosan salmon.
Travelers will lodge at the newly opened Fushoushan Hotel, enjoying a night with an unrivaled mountain view and a starry sky. Another lodge at Wuling Hotel follows a visit to Wuling Farm, which is beautiful in all seasons.
The tour comes with local delicacies from Lishan Hotel, Wuling Farm, and Fushoushan Farm, all cooked with selected ingredients from Taiwan's mountains.靜謐合歡溪、絕美梨山、入住福壽山農場、武陵賓館三日3d of Hehuan Creek, Lishan Mountain, Fushoushan Farm and Wuling Hotel南投 Nantou台中 Taichung
Mainland Southeast Asia Visitors
飛揚旅行社Flying Travel國境之南。屏東山海South of the Country. The Land and Sea of Pingtung屏東是台灣風貌的縮影,從山水體驗、文化生態、到永續旅遊的社區創生,從屏北到屏南多元觀光資源體現台灣特色,從永續旅遊的核心價值中,實際走進地區社區發展,感受食在地、體驗在地的旅遊文化。
『屏東多一度。四季任你遊』,屏東永遠多一度,而這一度就是人情味的溫度。希望國際旅客透過來國境之南的深根遊程,感受最在地的台灣溫暖及永續精神,增添旅客想一再探訪台灣的喜好度。Pingtung is a microcosm of Taiwan's landscape. From landscape experiences and ecology studies to rebuilding communities and sustainable travel, Pingtung holds diversified tourism resources that reflect the characteristics of Taiwan. We hope that through the journey in Pingtung, travelers overseas can experience the warmth and hospitality of southern Taiwan — a tour that travelers would love to re-experience again and again in the future.國境之南。屏東山海South of the Country. The Land and Sea of Pingtung屏東 Pingtung
佳瑛旅行社Taiwan Eagle Tour樂活・療癒・祈福之旅4日4d of LOHAS, healing and blessing融合祈福與大自然放鬆的氛圍,讓整個人放鬆壓力,又有著色彩斑斕與遊戲的趣味並感覺到被祝福與安慰,是一個輕鬆愉快的行程。Join us on a relaxing trip where you can enjoy nature, admire the colorful surroundings, and have blessings to alleviate your stress.樂活・療癒・祈福之旅4日4d of LOHAS, healing and blessing屏東 Pingtung
Europe & Central Asia Visitors
鼎運旅行社TourOne網紅瘋.台灣遍地水雲間8日8d of elegant Taiwan為外國遊客提供深入瞭解臺灣文化、自然景觀和生活方式的機會。同時,要確保活動和體驗能夠尊重當地的文化和環境,促進可持續旅遊發展。We provide sustainable tourism for overseas travelers to experience Taiwan's natural landscape, customs, and traditions.網紅瘋.台灣遍地水雲間8日8d of elegant Taiwan台灣 Taiwan
Culture Travel
禾泰國際旅行社Abundant Travel Service巴黎Ly'cee Gali'lee中學台灣文化營Taiwan Culture Camp With Ly'cee Gali'lee主題設計以符合學校來台目的為前提(1)認識台灣(2)交流(3)預算控制
本團是法國巴黎LYˊCEE GALILEE高中學生。具有主修或副修第三外國語中文學生,來台主要企劃在於認識台灣與學校交流並安排homestay藉以了解台灣。來台十二日是以安排五日旅遊行程五日學校交流。
主題設計以顯現 中華文化的多元性、包容性、傳統文化保存、為主。科技島、社會融合性、自由民主生活為輔。
希望對兩岸差異性有基本認識。讓國外團體了解學習中文的地方不是只有中國,台灣是更好學習中文的場所。We welcome students from LYCÉE GALILEE high school, who are studying Mandarin as a third language, to participate in a 12-day culture camp in Taiwan. Within these 12 days, there will be 5 days of school exchange and another 5 days of Taiwan tourism.
Our tour is designed to showcase our diversity, inclusiveness, and preserved traditional culture, along with the technology industry and social integration. It highlights that, besides tourism, Taiwan is also a great place to learn Mandarin.巴黎Ly'cee Gali'lee中學台灣文化營Taiwan Culture Camp With Ly'cee Gali'lee新北市 New Taipei
America Visitors
宏祥旅行社Edison Travel Service【環島】絕美台灣5日遊:日月潭、太魯閣峽谷、高雄、台東5-Day Best of Taiwan: Sun Moon Lake, Taroko Gorge, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taitung
● 日月潭原民文化及周邊風景古蹟 ● 參觀高雄佛教聖地佛光山與觀光夜市 ● 探索墾丁國家公園獨特地形豐富生態 ● 台灣最美風景─東海岸國家風景區 ● 走訪世界最大的大理石峽谷─太魯閣 ● 全程住宿各地知名豪華五星飯店 ● 貼心服務:提供台北市中心飯店接送 - Marvel at the world's largest marble gorge—Taroko Gorge - Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes and rich culture of Sun Moon Lake - Discover the unique landforms and biodiversity of Kenting National Park - Explore East Coast National Scenic Area—Taiwan's last unspoiled land - Enjoy a luxurious 4-night stay at top-notch local 5-star hotels - Guaranteed departure with a minimum of 1 participant - Experience the ease of hotel pick-up and drop-off within city limits 【環島】絕美台灣5日遊:日月潭、太魯閣峽谷、高雄、台東5-Day Best of Taiwan: Sun Moon Lake, Taroko Gorge, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taitung台灣 Taiwan
Muslim Visitors
豪全旅行社Hao Quan Travel Service遊穆台灣 璀璨雙城All Halal Northern Taiwan全程All Halal符合穆斯林清真認證:讓穆斯林旅客來台-吃得安心、住的放心、玩得開心;兼顧教法教義、尊重文化差異。
以「友善」的角度出發,設身處地為穆斯林旅客體貼著想。Presenting our All Halal-certified journey, where Muslim travelers came to Taiwan can enjoy their tour and also Shariah compliant.
We prioritize "culture-friendly", and consider the needs of all Muslim travelers as our top priority.遊穆台灣 璀璨雙城All Halal Northern Taiwan台灣 Taiwan
可樂旅遊旅行社cola tourSALAM TAIWANSALAM TAIWAN阿里山以高山鐵路、森林、櫻花、雲海、日出等景色聞名國際,加上豐富的生態多樣性及鄒族原住民文化,一直是國際旅客最喜歡的景點。
「SALAM TAIWAN」以同理心出發,全程安排符合HALAL標凖的餐食、提供HALAL認證的住宿、並委請馬孝棋教長擔任行程顧問,配合伊斯蘭禱告時間,調整最適當的行程順序,是全台首創專為穆斯林旅客貼心設計的阿里山行程。
行程順遊野柳、九份及日月潭等知名景點,在欣賞福爾摩沙美麗風光的同時,也能享受為穆斯林旅客精心安排的便利體驗。Alishan is internationally famous for its alpine railways, forests, cherry blossoms, sea of clouds and beautiful sunrises. Along with rich ecological diversity and Tsou aboriginal culture, Alishan has always been one of the favorite attractions for international tourists.
"SALAM TAIWAN" is the first Alishan itinerary designed specifically for Muslim travelers. We offer all HALAL standards meals, provides all HALAL-certified accommodation. With a great appreciate to Imam Ma Xiaoqi as a consultant to adjust the most appropriate itinerary sequence according to Muslim prayer times.
Also includes well-known scenic spots such as Yehliu, Jiufen and Sun Moon Lake. While enjoying the beautiful scenery of Formosa, also experience the best convenient that we carefully arranged for Muslim tourists.SALAM TAIWANSALAM TAIWAN台灣 Taiwan
Mainland Chinese Visitors
佳安旅行社Taiwan Tour重返茶金繁華之旅Open Taiwan, A Cup of Golden Times「茶」自古至今是華人社會中不可或缺的元素,從一杯茶開始,串起臺灣文化與款待精神,邀請兩岸三地的貴賓來一趟「與茶有約」的文化之旅,開啟一個專屬於臺灣的人文故事。
從旅程開始前的客製「茶牌行李牌」作為禮品,製造旅行前懸念引起對旅程的好奇心,並在旅程中安排「海關章」環節,製造互動與趣味性,並提供每天不一樣的「茶金活動」與「茶葉故事主題遊程」,利用故事的起、承、轉、合展現台灣多元多樣的文化氛圍,將「寓教於樂」的目的佈置於旅程中。Tea has been an indispensable element of Mandarin society since ancient times. Starting with a cup of tea, we invite overseas travelers on a cultural tour of Taiwan.
The tour begins with our gifts: customized tea-brand luggage tags that come with our custom stamps throughout the trip. Daily interactive activities and tea-themed history tours showcasing Taiwan's diversified culture, bringing travelers an educational and entertaining tour.重返茶金繁華之旅Open Taiwan, A Cup of Golden Times台灣 Taiwan -
鼎運旅行社TourOne看見台灣精華視角6日遊6d of Taiwan Perspectives - Best Selection看見台灣精華視角6日遊 : 山光水色、薈萃西台、四季琉光、入心寶島。從海洋生態,到傳統文承,從原民生態到大城小鎮,台灣處處有溫情,處處是美景。參與旅程的每個團員人人都都可以搖身一變為素人網紅,拍攝出台灣不同精華視角。
每個景點從不同的角度都能看出生命力,每一餐都是當地特產最佳宣傳,每個住宿點都能欣賞無敵美景。With marine ecology, traditional heritage, indigenous culture, local towns, and international cities, Taiwan is an island of gold where every perspective is a perfect shot. Our tour grants travelers a chance to become an internet celebrity with our selected sight spots. Each site tells a story of vitality, each meal promotes local delicacies, and each stay guarantees an experience of breathtaking beauty.看見台灣精華視角6日遊6d of Taiwan Perspectives - Best Selection台灣 Taiwan -
雄獅旅行社Lion Travel5 天 4 夜 鳴日廚房×菁華饗宴5d4n Future - The Moving Kitchen x Connoisseur's Feast打造台灣頂級鐵路之旅,搭配全程奢華五星住宿與療愈式溫泉酒店森呼吸。餐飲全程採用在地食材與文化傳承,融入古跡小鎮旗袍換裝沉浸式體驗,讓客人能確實感受到行程不僅深具特色、更可體驗台灣獨有高級列車、高級住宿及品嚐高單價特色料理。We designed this tour to be a top-notch railway trip of Taiwan. The tour list includes traditional cuisines made with local ingredients, immersive experiences of strolling ancient towns in cheongsam dresses, traveling in Taiwan premium trains, luxury five-star accommodations and hot spring hotels.5 天 4 夜 鳴日廚房×菁華饗宴5d4n Future - The Moving Kitchen x Connoisseur's Feast花蓮 Hualien台東 Taitung
可樂旅遊旅行社cola tour豪遊台灣奢華環島八日8d Around Taiwan - Luxurious Style將最受歡迎的產品重新打造,由消費者角度精挑細選,安排5「心」埔里承萬尊爵渡假酒店、5「星」台北文華東方、5「新」瑞穗天合溫泉城堡,以最高規格接待,讓您有更棒地體驗。
精心設計的美食,提供五感全方位體驗,蔬菜羊肉爐、米其林大廚、傳奇鐵板燒、道地沙茶火鍋、和牛戰斧燒肉、魯凱烤乳豬,每道菜都有豐富文化底蘊,好故事、好味道、好心情,與您分享台灣的美好。"We re-created TOP 1 product, selected hotels from 5 "heart" Puli Chengwan Grand Hotel, 5 "star" Mandarin Oriental Taipei, and "brand new" Ruisui Tianhe Hot Spring Castle. We provide the best destination experience with the highest standard of hospitality.
"8d Around Taiwan - Luxurious Style" uses up to 9 types of local transportation such as bicycles, high-speed rail and luxury yacht to explore the treasure island. New attraction like East Secret Tunnel in Grand Hotel, Rukai tribe welcome party and KAVALAN whiskey distillery, customize the most authentic Taiwanese culture for you.
An all-round food experience including vegetable mutton, Michelin restaurant, Chef Teppanyaki, local hot pot, roast wagyu tomahawk, Rukai roast suckling pig, every dish has rich cultural heritage ingredients, good stories, good taste in good mood, share a better Taiwan with you."豪遊台灣奢華環島八日8d Around Taiwan - Luxurious Style台灣 Taiwan -
東南旅行社SETtour奇峰萬木北橫、拉拉山巨木、明池森林、里山綠森活三日3d of Woodlands - Mountains Along Northern Highway, Sacred Trees of Lala Mountain, and Mingchi National Forest Recreation Area本行程要推動國際看見台灣之美探索最浪漫的台七線-北橫公路,欣賞壯闊山景,雲霧繚繞。走訪拉拉山及明池,親近令人震撼巨木群。
獨家安排馥森宜蘭里山藝術生態園區,享受與自然共融的心靈之所。一探後慈湖秘境,透過解說,深知台灣歷史人文,佐著台灣風格的懷舊台灣家常菜、山產佳餚等精緻美食,以及安排拉拉山咖啡民宿與明池山莊的環保旅宿,為台灣行留下深刻回憶。This tour promotes the Northern Cross-Island Highway, leading travelers to misty mountains and beautiful forests of Taiwan. The tour has listed Lala Mountain and Mingchi National Forest Recreation Area, where one can have a close-up observation of the breathtaking sacred trees; Fusen Satoyama, the Ecology and Art Park, where one can enjoy the healing harmony of nature; Back Cihu Lake, the mystical realm of beauty.
Through our tour guides, travelers can gain knowledge about Taiwan's history and culture, indulge in traditional cuisines cooked with local ingredients, and lodge in ecologically friendly hotels within the woodlands. This tour will be the journey of a lifetime.奇峰萬木北橫、拉拉山巨木、明池森林、里山綠森活三日3d of Woodlands - Mountains Along Northern Highway, Sacred Trees of Lala Mountain, and Mingchi National Forest Recreation Area桃園 Taoyuan宜蘭 Yilan
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